Sam has decided that he’s such a super dog he can survive without eating and drinking. Currently sitting in the vets office and he’s had some drink but no food. I’ve tried (for drinks ) water in plastic and metal bowls. Water with chicken broth. Plain broth, beef broth. Various canned food types. A roll of Primal food raw …. The list goes on.
So, we are now sitting back at the vets office where Sam is drinking and being syringe fed some food.
I’d love for him to eat normally because each time we do this it’s $60.
SAAAAAAAM!!! What the heck? If you’re trying to get more spoiling and attention I don’t think that’s even possible!!
This journey didn’t get the name “roller coaster” ride for no good reason!!
There’s something you can get at GNC…some sort of really nutirent jell that you can put in a syringe and give to dogs. I think they actually like the tsste. And darn if I can remember what it’s called! I know that several have used when their dogs weren’t eating and had good results. Sorry I’m no help with the name though!
Update us when you get him home.
HUGS! Sending you lots of HUGS!
Sally and Happy Hannah and Myrtle too!
What is up Sam?!?!?!
Surely you’re not trying to worry your parents or is this a play for more attention?
For me Leland didn’t want to eat much after he came home. I would grill him up steak, chicken, and pork chops. What seemed to get his attention was BBQ pork chops and BBQ skinless chicken tenders done on the grill. He’d eat the meat but forgo the dry kibble (but really who wouldn’t). So I was happy at least I was getting something in him. Leland couldn’t get enough to drink so I didn’t have the issue.
Fingers crossed that Sam gets back on track with his eating and drinking so you don’t have to keep running to the vet. I know how those bills can quickly add up.
Keep us posted!
Sahana and her Angel Leland
Come on Sam, eat! Eat! Don’t make us worry OK? We hope this is the one that does the trick. Keep us posted and let us know what the magic ingredient is.
Dr. has 2 theories since Sam looks GREAT except for the whole eating and drinking thing (which is big…)
Theory 1. he’s nauseous and just not feeling 100% because of surgery. He gave him an anti-emetic and recommends even further reducing pain medications.
Theory 2. (PLEASE not this one). there’s something more insidious going on and we need to re-check liver/kidney/blood functions). We left with instructions to feed a/d (through syringe at home if needed) and if the anti-nausea med doesn’t help a LOT, we’ll have to do blood test tomorrow.
SO…tonight (it’s my birthday, did I mention?) we got home and were able to feed him 1/2 a can of Science Diet a/d, through a syringe at first and then he did start to eat the slurry we made out of a bowl after awhile. It was 1/2 i/d and 1/2 water.
I wonder if all the trying of new stuff hasn’t messed with his happy tummy juju. When he was younger he did have a bout of horrible hemorrhagic gastroenteritis…and we never did figure out why, but always stuck to a pretty strict diet for fear of re-living bloody diarrhea. This side note relevant to say…maybe Sammy has a tummy ache from the new stuff I’ve been trying?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And Sam, that was a mighty nice birthday present you gave your mom by eating some!
It really makes sense that he is must having some tummy upsets, especially if he’s had issues before. This just all seems surgery and med related to me. It’s not uncommon at all for “hunger strikes” to set in during the first two weeks or so.
I know it’s really hard not to worry, but just stay in the present and know all is well in Sam’s world and he will do just fine. Recovery has so many ups and downs but things will level out! Really!
Hugs to youand sweet Sam! I bet he’ll eat some of your birthday cake and ice cream!…We want pictures!
Sally and Happy Hannah